jack's blog

Here are my thoughts...stuff i'm doin' and stuff i get off on.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Sens win vs. Boston....5-2 + new recording:


Sitting here by the fire...Sens won again...crazy game. Started a new recording with Jason Jaknunas. He's got me playing guitar (and possibly other stuff) on a new project he's producing. Singer/Songwriter guy (Jeff Meleras) has some great tunes....totally honest and compelling. Should be alot of fun.

Jeff Meleras


ciao for now!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

My favs from the recent past (04/05):

Folks...if anyone actually ever reads this...or cares for my opinion...etc...etc...

The stuff i used to hear in my head (as in my own music) never seemed to be in synch with what was going on. I was listening to a shit load of Neil Young (like alot of people i'm sure) as a high schooler and univ. student...and all other classics from that era. When i started out songwriting and playing guitar... Neil was my inspiration...because he's just a normal dude who writes/performs....honest stuff. So it was like...sit down...idea comes out as song...record song..play show..no big deal. No posing/trends going on here....just something you gotta do...songs+ideas gotta come out...otherwise you get antsy...gotta move on to the next sound...buzz..

But this past year or so...I feel i don't have to live in the past in terms of listening to old recordings for inspiration. I'm totally digging the new music that's coming to surface in Canada. There seems to be a return to actual 'music' and artistry and less navel gazing... People are throwing out some new vibes but nodding towards the best of the past as well. The one dimensional 'suburban angst' music is still around...but it's on the way out....thank god....that is some serious melancholy going on there....too much and too long...it was like a fog that seems to be lifting....anyways...on to the positives...in no particular order...other than the order of my memory!

Stuff that totally inspired me this year:
Matt Mays + El Torpedo:
http://www.mattmays.com/ - saw the video for 'cocaine cowgirl'...bought the album. Freaking love it man. Straight up...no lame ass slacker vibe. Solid dude, tunes, band...no whining...no wimping out......this is true songmanship. This cat and his band should get a juno...solid. They absolutely deserve props. They have revived the 'let's get some killer tunes...killer band...and play together for the good of the tunes'. It's a nod to Tom Petty / Heartbreakers without being a lazy copy. It's almost a hand off to a new generation.

Joel Plaskett Emergency:
http://www.joelplaskett.com/ - Truthfully Truthfully CD- awesome. So many great hooks; song wise and music wise. Solid band. Saw him with that Peter Elkas cat at the Sheep last year. Joel is a solid songwriter. I'm definitely loving the east coast vibe. 'Hit the Coast' by his old band Thrush Hermit was a Canadian rock and roll classic I'm thinkin'...

Broken Social Scene:
http://www.arts-crafts.ca/bss/index2.html - Seriously... 'You Forgot it in People' was totally a breath of fresh air. Truly inspirational in terms of vibe and production. This is an ensemble cast of Torontonians (i believe)...sum of parts stuff. Lovin' it. The lead guy and production is spot on. Got their new release..digging it as well. Feels like a continuation of the first...but not a 'copy and paste' job...but an actual continuation. Totally love track #2 and #8( i think...the one about waking up late ). If you really listen to the lyrics...there's some interesting slants going on here...sexuality etc. It's the type of stuff that if you listen to it with headphones...you find so many neat sounds/layers/ideas.

Greg Keelor:
http://www.bluerodeo.com/br/greg.html - Ongoing admiration...i put this guy up there with Neil Young. 'Gone' was awesome...beautiful spaces and sounds. 'Songs for Jim'...beautiful, simple songs as well. Saw him at the Black Sheep Inn earlier this year...and saw him with his band at Barrymore's for the 'Gone' tour. Keelor is the soul of Blue Rodeo, Cuddy is the sugar (in a good way).

Folks...i can make it clearer:
Keelor is Lennon....Cuddy is McCartney.

Arcade Fire:
Every song on their album -'Funeral'- is awesome. Every song is interesting. Big songs...operatic at times

The Sadies:
http://www.thesadies.net/ - Love these guys. Amazing pickers...'real' pickers...they've chopped alot of wood. Seen them a few times at the Tulip Festival. I mean... 'Within a Stone' from 'Stories Often Told'....classic and as good as 'The Band' for Christ sakes..i can hear Rick Danko singin' it...eary...

...they're psychedelic ...they're country..they're everything!!!

Rilo Kiley:
- just got their 'more adventurous' cd.....diggin' it. Neat songs...and neat vocal delivery. Jenny Lewis is a cool singer i think....i mean these guys have got the whole cool indie/from the hip vibe going on...but they're better than that. She's a real singer...she sings clearly with real lyrics and stories....super clear and simple. Lovin' the production too....nods to the past but keeps it relevant... There's alot of variety and depth goin' on. I like it quite a bit....it's fun...songs move along together...telling stories/vibes....

http://www.ilovemetric.com/ - got 'live it out' a while back....solid...good rockin' stuff....i need coffee ...i may elaborate later...

local Ottawa cats:
http://www.thefiftymen.com/ - finally got to see them play live. Solid band...solid tunes...solid,solid,solid.....nice to see a real band. Excellent musicians....dig the stereo guitar thing, lead vox,bassist,fiddle... dig Jake on drums. I find the drummer takes the energy up a few notches. He has become somewhat of an inspiration for me in terms of the dude being multi-talented. He's a killer lead singer/guitar player as well...and he plays killer meat and potatoes/back beat drumming. No bullshitting around a beat. I've recently taken up playing drums...it's so, so much fun. Between him and other drummers i've played with or heard play...they're showing me the way. I've always felt 'just play the fucking beat...stop walking all over the song and singer!!!'...this guy does that....plays the beat...provides a proper foundation.

Kathleen Edwards and Jim Bryson:
I dig that both of these people are travelling around the world and playing music. Before them, we had Alanis Morisette as an Ottawa export that had 'made it big'. Now i believe we have a couple more...except this time...these cats are representing the whole rootsy/rocky/folky/country vibe...something i can relate to a bit more. Excellent songwriters...songs stick in your head for sure. I'm puttin' them together...cause to me they're together. I gotta give these guys props...listening to them right now on that BBC recording...music grabs me...just gets you moving...painting pictures in my head...we gotta get an opener with these guys...
http://www.jimbryson.org/ - dig the guys site

The HiLotrons:
http://www.hilotrons.com/ - this shit is tight man...gotta go see them Dec. 3...must remember..always been a fan of Paul's...totally entertaining...love the sounds/production etc.

the sheep + golden dogs + european music awards

Folks....these entries may not make sense to you....if you're sober...

So....if you have a bunch of pipes ...and they're kinda neat...put a frame around them...

But seriously....saw the 'Golden Dogs' at the Sheep tonite...good solid rock band...neat songs...cool arrangements....The bass player was cool...that's what i noticed the most because the bass volume was loud in the P.A. mix...anyways....tired...it's early in the morning... Talking to the drummer...telling me he was stoked to play the sheep... The black sheep inn has got a rep around the country (world???) as a cool place to play and check out music. Paul has got his ears to the ground...and i think people appreciate it...
